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Saturday, May 23, 2009

the prose of a waking dream

to/for Jacques Derrida

necessity is hardly perceptible. even at its inception it dissolves into everywhere. and returns to the source of its conception. and indicates its derivatives which are in turn derived from the super imposition of the source upon the echo. & what the echo reveals is the necessity of an origin and the desire to remain hidden from it.

the child is a runaway. seeking to design itself. an autonomous significance revealed by a signifier it itself assigns.

disguised to operate on the logic of deception. conceiving a reflection which redirects attention from its inception. what it produces it also erases. the act of production is itself an erasure. the erasure itself is also a disguise. which reveals what it erases.

not visceral but visual. the hierglyph encloses meaning whereas the memory is in a constant state of being remembered. in accord with information acquired, in acquisition, and yet to be acquired.

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