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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vein Raiser

At least I gotta get a perfect name of us. really. connected in right now. that awful night we were in an email. treating yourself. when he knows the Dark Side. and accompanied her out of. everything. about you. the very same shelter that brainwashed. you. fucked ME. real loyalty to this face.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE . History . hot . thing or knew all hours of your last remaining secrets. attracted to give you. hate. yourself. because of the Dark Side. and FAKE suffering and surgery for a big. remaining secret. run.

by the very same shelter. that awful night. changed your control. over me. that I'm finding out what you must think are now your friends.

my suffering eyes upon. I'm sorry. you. weren't worthy enough. the fact that doesn't convince. you. felt you. are. and I gotta get me on areas of mine.

. accept that which they say . she used to face away . surgery for some people who fake fits . your face . already knew of life . just so . for such a week or so ago . how sickeningly inappropriate . use it against. you. hate yourself in full view of your last remaining secrets.


method = n-grams

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